I'll keep it short and to the point, so don't expect flowery prose, just what was done, and why.
first things first - the hard disks:
My PC has 2 HDs, both 150GB in size. I decided to repartition the first one, which also holds my Vista install, in order to fit the Ubuntu installation. This was performed by using BootitNG - which the demo can be downloaded an used to resize an NTFS partition with no data loss - it took about an hour.
So now I had about 30GB of blank space on my first drive.
I booted up with the ubuntu studio DVD, and installed into this blank space. This took about a half an hour.
I then booted into studio, and did auto updates.
Then I tested...
Sound - OK!
Wireless Mouse - OK!
Keyboard - OK!
the video redraw feels slow. I went to the Nvidia site and grabbed their NON-open source driver. Damn, the instructions are convoluted. I'll wait on that.
I can access my windows disks! and just by accident I notice that CBZs view correctly (this is a surprise)
I notice that there under the system, administration, menu there is something called restricted drivers manager, and I enable nvidia driver from there. This requires a reboot, or at least I think it does, I can't recall. Either way I reboot, to make sure I can still get into Vista, which I can. The redraw is a bit better, but I'm still not thinking its perfect...
I then install the adobe flash player for firefox.
I look into Beryl - it looks like it would be pretty cool. I use the package manager to install it. I don't think its doing anything though - so I'll set that aside for a bit.
use add/remove programs to install openoffice.org spreadsheet - this distro only came with the text editor installed.
I now use synaptic to install pptp client and network manager stuff. I proceed to work with on a VPN connection for an hour - no luck (more on this later)
check Divx/Xvid playback - need to load codecs from the install DVD - good to go.
check mp3 playback over samba connection - good to go.
change to glossy theme from ubuntu studio (its to dark!)
install xmms plugin for wma/wmv - its works.
Comercial encrypted DVD support loaded:
in terminal:
sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 libxine1-ffmpegThis installs the first components - now I need to add the medibuntu repository:
wget -q http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/medibuntu-key.gpg -O -(that should be one line)
| sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/sources.list.d/feisty.list(that is also one line)
-O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list
Then I added the Libdvdcss2 (which is why we did all this)
wget http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/pool/feisty/free/i386/This is the first I've needed to drop to terminal.
(that is also one line)
sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.9-2medibuntu2+build1_i386.deb
I first tried Gaim for IM, but changed to AMSN - as it more closely mirrors MSN messenger functionality (including webcams)
At this point I encountered my first problem...
In the proccess of trying diffent media players i started getting this when attempting to access media from smb shares:
After much digging, I found that if went into synaptic, and told it to install totem with gtstreamer and then it uninstalled the totem-xine and then it worked again.
Installed brasero for CD/DVD burning.
Installed cups-pdf for pdf printingadded a windows shared printer.
I figured out at this point that I could only read my ntfs disks - so installed the NTFS-config tool and remounted them to allow read/write.
At this point I finally got the VPN figured out - and this took HOURS of digging so I hope this will help someone (possibly me!) in the future.
the issue was this - I could connect to my PPTP vpn server, but only access that IP - no others on the network. It turns out this is designed behavior. By default PPTP VPNs only setup a route to the IP of the PPTP server. I guess I should have figured it out sooner - but hey live an learn.
to resolve this I put this script in here:
called it addroute
here is what it said:
then the script must be made executable:
chmod +x /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/routeadd
now it works great! but what a PITA.
back to the fun:
Installed Java
figured out how to use the menu item to add menu items - duh I was trying to figure out how to do it by hand.
Added Pan for Usenet reading
Added Comix and Qcomicbook to read CBR/CBZ files - but still needed to add the nonfree unrar to view CBRs
Installed Codine as my default media player - it opens movies in unique windows.
So that is it so far.
What is still missing? Glad you asked. A few things I can think of right away...
logmein.com - I would still like a remote solution like this (free of cost of course)
Orb.com - I miss my media streaming securely to the world.
Gametap - I doubt I'll get this back. I will need to cancel once my 3 months run out (and I just re-upped!)
Steam - I did some reading, and I guess you can get half-life (and maybe halflife2?) working on linux, so I will have to investigate further.
I'm also super annoyed that I can not copy/paste to and from my terminal service sessions, but I have not really investigated that yet.
my side scrolling middle mouse wheel does not side scroll, but I never used that anyway, so I think its coming along pretty well so far.
I'll be updating as I go...
1 comment:
during a subsequent post, I realized my fonts didn't look "right" so I installed this package:
all happy now? We shall see - I'm still installing as I write this
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